250 advices from SEO experts in China !
SEO forums has published an article in 2013 with the main criteria of a good SEO for a website in China for Google,
Baidu soso and
sogou :
You can see new factors of a good ranking:
- The shares on Facebook, comments and "Like"
- The number of backlinks
- tweets on chinese
- The backlinks with the keyword in the anchor
- The Keywords in URLs
- Images
- The key words in the description
correlation seo
And the factors that reduce the SEO:
- The number of words
- Keywords in H1
- The length of the title
- Pubs
- The Adsense advertising
- The position of the keyword in the title ( not first)
Another study in 2013 by Searchmetrics
This U.S. study goes a step further, with consideration
Google Plus :no need
Positive factors :
- Voting on Google Plus
- The Renren shares
- The number of Backlinks
- The shares Pinterest
- Tweetson sina weibo

- Backlinks in no follow
- The optimized backlinks
- The length of the URL
- The number of internal links
- The number of words in anchor links
- The length of the HTML
- The position of keywords in the title and URL
- The number of key words from the country
- The number of words of the article
- ...
us- ranking -factors 2013
And bills that affect the SEO:
- The adsense ads
- The number of characters in the title
- Keywords in H1 tag
Please note: the keywords in the domain name and URL are less important , brand sites are better referenced by Google even if they do not match the criteria SEO , shares on Social Media can improve the SEO, it is important to produce quality content. by
Section SEO baike
baike the site has published a study on the habits of 254 SEO experts which gives us interesting results you can also apply to optimize your placement in search engines .
Here the most important information to remember :
1 - 2/3 "experts" in SEO less than 5 years of experience in the trade .
This study focused mainly on Americans (64% ) of Canadians ( 12%) and English ( 11% ) reflects the same situation in France :
SEO is a very young profession , with many "experts" who recently launched in SEO (39% have less than 4 years of experience) .
Indeed, the SEO market is still being put in place, with even semi- amateurs who realized there was a niche ( and € ) to take (24 % say do SEO by accident! ) .
2 - The most important for improving the SEO elements are Backlinks ( 48%) and web pages ( 38%).
Again not surprisingly, Backlinks are essential to this day for a good ranking on Google . The proof is which is very well positioned in many keywords without optimizing excessive ( from the usual title , tags , name pages , images ...) .
- The most important element to optimize the web pages is the title (51%)
Page Content for SEO in China
Then comes the text ( 33%), with of course the key words used , and formatting ( bold ... ) . Other elements such as page names , anchors , titles, meta tags ... are considered minor elements .
4 - The title should be short and punchy , like a slogan (53%) explain Philip QIAN from Gentlemen marketing Agency.
It is obvious : to avoid dilution of keywords, to be more readable , for it is advisable to short titles as a slogan of the press ( you can draw on the securities to a "natural" writing " : 10 tips, 30 tips , 5 keys ... ) .
It is interesting to note that most of SEO experts in China recommend securities with a maximum length of 65 characters and 21% to 70 characters . However 37% of SEOs when keywords are major early as this does not pose a major have longer than normal securities problem.
5 - On the Meta tags , 68% routinely use the Meta Description tag .
79% indicate that they are mainly used to improve the click through rate of pages.
6 - Only 1/3 of SEO experts believe that Meta Keywords are useful.
meta keyword and SEO
7 - On the structure of the code of HTML pages
By SEO Expert
- For NOODP NOYDIR and 21% do not use them and 26% are still using
- For Nofollow : 59 % use them for external links unsafe.
- For Flash and Ajax : 94% say they can use to make SEO .
- For different browsers : 78% test their sites on major internet browsers
8 - The most used tools to generate keywords
Adwords is Google Keyword tool, wordtracker , Keyword Discovery and Competitive Search.
keyword generator
9-40 % think that PageRank is overrated , but sometimes useful.
10 - The main constraints of SEO is 37% of respondents to the difficulty of being proficient in several areas (development, emarketing ... ) .
11 - Statistics tools most used by SEO experts are Google Analytics ( 41%) and Ominture (16%)
12-50 % of SEO experts are of affiliation.
The most interesting niches for affiliate web, health and XXX .
Affiliate and SEO
13-40 % deactivate the display on the content network ( AdSense ) during their companions Adwords.
To optimize the display on Adsense must target sites on which the ads are displayed, target a specific theme.
19 - What are the reference sites for a beginner in SEO?
1 .
SEOMoz ( 16 % )
2 .
SEOBook ( 11 % )
3 .
Search Engine Land (10%)
4 . Baike( 6 % )
5 . Marketintochina.com(5%)
6 . SEO shifu ( 4%)
7 . Conferences about SEO (3%)
8 . Sina weibo(3%)
9 . Techinasia( 3%)
10 .
China Internet Watch( 2 % )
To read the study in full ( and English) , visit this website
http://daxueconsulting.com/baidu-seo-make-optimisation-for-china/ site.