mardi 23 août 2016

Guide to survive in the BtB world of China

Follow these tips in China to survive in China

Many companies are trying to get a piece of the Chinese market pie. Marketing as we have, however, already seen in China, is very different from marketing in Western countries. From these previous examples, we can extract some tips:

Buyers do not go to your website

The online commerce environment in China is very different from any other country in the world. Physical shopping is still dominates because of better consumer experience in China. In e-commerce, Jing Dong and tmall (platforms on which there are many brands in the same place available) are more popular than start their own e-commerce site. According to Alibaba, 54% of all online shoppers use tmall. As B2C platform dedicated to brands, tmall many Western retailers have an effective marketing platform pulled sales in addition to their own Web site to accelerate.

People do not use laptops

According to China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) latest report on Internet use in China, China has 649 million Internet users. The number of mobile Internet users reached 557 million by the end of last year, a growth of 11% over the previous year.
The content needs to adapt to China's socio-cultural context
In terms of culture, China has a special feature that in the world is from everywhere else completely different. Cultural sensitivity is essential in your marketing context structure due to the complexity of the language and the difference in interpretation from one language to another.
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Social media platforms are not the same

Instead of using Facebook or Twitter, Weibo and WeChat Chinese. Sina Weibo is one of the most popular sites in China with a similar penetration as Twitter. WeChat the most common used social networking platform in China, multimedia communication is providing with text and voice messaging. With WeChat Company can have direct communication with their customers by providing a WeChat create bank foundation and integrated campaigns.
Person to person communication is compulsory in China
Today, almost every Chinese social media website has created a mobile app to give their users instant and real-time access to their devices.
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